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iPads and play = Learning.
Digital Technology / Education / Literacy

iPads and play = Learning.

The concept of “play” in education has unfortunately been undermined and slowly removed from everyday learning. Jones (2012)  in his article ‘iPads and Kindergarten’, passionately argues that ‘child initiated play’ needs to be restored in classrooms, particularly in the early years such as Kindergarten because it successfully assists in the development of  language; oral language … Continue reading

Interactive WhiteBoards (IWB’s): Passing phase or Authentic learning tool?
Digital Technology / Education / IWBS

Interactive WhiteBoards (IWB’s): Passing phase or Authentic learning tool?

When it comes to new technology or any of the upcoming, state-of-the-art tools in the education sector, it is not what it does but how you use it that ensures great learning and effectiveness. You can have the most expensive, innovative technology but not elicit authentic, creative, interactive learning if you don’t use it productively.  … Continue reading

Exploring IWBs: A digital excerise in creating IWB lessons
Digital Technology / Education / IWBS

Exploring IWBs: A digital excerise in creating IWB lessons

IWB’s  (Interactive White Boards) are all the rage in classrooms but how does one use them to create authentic digital learning? I, for one am fairly new to IWB’s in classrooms and have had little opportunity to experiment and explore them properly, therefore it was helpful to gain insight during my Digital Media tutorial on … Continue reading

GreenWashing: Being Media Smart
Education / Media

GreenWashing: Being Media Smart

‘Greenwashing’ is a parody episode by The Media Show, hosted by two hilarious puppets who aim to inform the audience on how advertisers misguide, manipulate and fool consumers about how environmentally friendly they ‘really’ are.  The show begins by presenting various techniques advertisers employ to do this including: using the colour “green” to appear Eco-friendly … Continue reading

New literacies: What is it?
Education / Literacy

New literacies: What is it?

The topic and concept of literacy is ever complex and challenging to classify. Traditionally, literacy has been defined as, the ability to read and write, the possession of education or in relation to education, a person’s knowledge or expertise of a particular field, and the appropriate set of skills to function, achieve and perform in … Continue reading